Package org.apache.commons.collections.functors

This package contains implementations of the Closure, Predicate, Transformer and Factory interfaces.


Interface Summary
PredicateDecorator<T> Defines a predicate that decorates one or more other predicates.

Class Summary
AllPredicate<T> Predicate implementation that returns true if all the predicates return true.
AndPredicate<T> Predicate implementation that returns true if both the predicates return true.
AnyPredicate<T> Predicate implementation that returns true if any of the predicates return true.
ChainedClosure<T> Closure implementation that chains the specified closures together.
ChainedTransformer<I,O> Transformer implementation that chains the specified transformers together.
CloneTransformer Transformer implementation that returns a clone of the input object.
ClosureTransformer<T> Transformer implementation that calls a Closure using the input object and then returns the input.
ConstantFactory<T> Factory implementation that returns the same constant each time.
ConstantTransformer<T> Transformer implementation that returns the same constant each time.
EqualPredicate<T> Predicate implementation that returns true if the input is the same object as the one stored in this predicate by equals.
ExceptionClosure<T> Closure implementation that always throws an exception.
ExceptionFactory<T> Factory implementation that always throws an exception.
ExceptionPredicate<T> Predicate implementation that always throws an exception.
ExceptionTransformer<I,O> Transformer implementation that always throws an exception.
FactoryTransformer<T> Transformer implementation that calls a Factory and returns the result.
FalsePredicate<T> Predicate implementation that always returns false.
ForClosure<T> Closure implementation that calls another closure n times, like a for loop.
IdentityPredicate<T> Predicate implementation that returns true if the input is the same object as the one stored in this predicate.
IfClosure<T> Closure implementation acts as an if statement calling one or other closure based on a predicate.
InstanceofPredicate<T> Predicate implementation that returns true if the input is an instanceof the type stored in this predicate.
InstantiateFactory<T> Factory implementation that creates a new object instance by reflection.
InstantiateTransformer Transformer implementation that creates a new object instance by reflection.
InvokerTransformer Transformer implementation that creates a new object instance by reflection.
MapTransformer<I,O> Transformer implementation that returns the value held in a specified map using the input parameter as a key.
NonePredicate<T> Predicate implementation that returns true if none of the predicates return true.
NOPClosure<T> Closure implementation that does nothing.
NOPTransformer<I> Transformer implementation that does nothing.
NotNullPredicate<T> Predicate implementation that returns true if the input is not null.
NotPredicate<T> Predicate implementation that returns the opposite of the decorated predicate.
NullIsExceptionPredicate<T> Predicate implementation that throws an exception if the input is null.
NullIsFalsePredicate<T> Predicate implementation that returns false if the input is null.
NullIsTruePredicate<T> Predicate implementation that returns true if the input is null.
NullPredicate<T> Predicate implementation that returns true if the input is null.
OnePredicate<T> Predicate implementation that returns true if only one of the predicates return true.
OrPredicate<T> Predicate implementation that returns true if either of the predicates return true.
PredicateTransformer<T> Transformer implementation that calls a Predicate using the input object and then returns the input.
PrototypeFactory<T> Factory implementation that creates a new instance each time based on a prototype.
StringValueTransformer<T> Transformer implementation that returns the String.valueOf.
SwitchClosure<T> Closure implementation calls the closure whose predicate returns true, like a switch statement.
SwitchTransformer<I,O> Transformer implementation calls the transformer whose predicate returns true, like a switch statement.
TransformedPredicate<I,O> Predicate implementation that transforms the given object before invoking another Predicate.
TransformerClosure<I,O> Closure implementation that calls a Transformer using the input object and ignore the result.
TransformerPredicate<T> Predicate implementation that returns the result of a transformer.
TruePredicate<T> Predicate implementation that always returns true.
UniquePredicate<T> Predicate implementation that returns true the first time an object is passed into the predicate.
WhileClosure<T> Closure implementation that executes a closure repeatedly until a condition is met, like a do-while or while loop.

Package org.apache.commons.collections.functors Description

This package contains implementations of the Closure, Predicate, Transformer and Factory interfaces. These provide simple callbacks for processing with collections.

Copyright © 2005-2005 Apache Software Foundation, Matt Hall, John Watkinson. All Rights Reserved.