Package org.apache.commons.collections.comparators

This package contains implementations of the Comparator interface.


Class Summary
BooleanComparator A Comparator for Boolean objects that can sort either true or false first.
ComparableComparator A Comparator that compares Comparable objects.
ComparatorChain<T> A ComparatorChain is a Comparator that wraps one or more Comparators in sequence.
FixedOrderComparator<T> A Comparator which imposes a specific order on a specific set of Objects.
NullComparator<T> A Comparator that will compare nulls to be either lower or higher than other objects.
ReverseComparator<T> Reverses the order of another comparator by reversing the arguments to its compare method.
TransformingComparator<I,O> Decorates another Comparator with transformation behavior.

Package org.apache.commons.collections.comparators Description

This package contains implementations of the Comparator interface.

You may also consider using ComparatorUtils, which is a single class that uses static methods to construct instances of the classes in this package.

Copyright © 2005-2005 Apache Software Foundation, Matt Hall, John Watkinson. All Rights Reserved.