Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractCollectionDecorator
org.apache.commons.collections.bag This package contains implementations of the Bag and SortedBag interfaces. 
org.apache.commons.collections.bidimap This package contains implementations of the BidiMap, OrderedBidiMap and SortedBidiMap interfaces. 
org.apache.commons.collections.buffer This package contains implementations of the Buffer interface. 
org.apache.commons.collections.collection This package contains implementations of the Collection interface. 
org.apache.commons.collections.list This package contains implementations of the List interface. This package contains implementations of the Map, IterableMap, OrderedMap and SortedMap interfaces. 
org.apache.commons.collections.set This package contains implementations of the Set and SortedSet interfaces. 

Uses of AbstractCollectionDecorator in org.apache.commons.collections.bag

Subclasses of AbstractCollectionDecorator in org.apache.commons.collections.bag
 class AbstractBagDecorator<E>
          Decorates another Bag to provide additional behaviour.
 class AbstractSortedBagDecorator<E>
          Decorates another SortedBag to provide additional behaviour.
 class PredicatedBag<E>
          Decorates another Bag to validate that additions match a specified predicate.
 class PredicatedSortedBag<E>
          Decorates another SortedBag to validate that additions match a specified predicate.
 class TransformedBag
          Decorates another Bag to transform objects that are added.
 class TransformedSortedBag
          Decorates another SortedBag to transform objects that are added.
 class UnmodifiableBag<E>
          Decorates another Bag to ensure it can't be altered.
 class UnmodifiableSortedBag<E>
          Decorates another SortedBag to ensure it can't be altered.

Uses of AbstractCollectionDecorator in org.apache.commons.collections.bidimap

Subclasses of AbstractCollectionDecorator in org.apache.commons.collections.bidimap
protected static class AbstractDualBidiMap.EntrySet<K,V>
          Inner class EntrySet.
protected static class AbstractDualBidiMap.KeySet<K,V>
          Inner class KeySet.
protected static class AbstractDualBidiMap.Values<K,V>
          Inner class Values.
protected static class AbstractDualBidiMap.View<K,V,E>
          Inner class View.

Uses of AbstractCollectionDecorator in org.apache.commons.collections.buffer

Subclasses of AbstractCollectionDecorator in org.apache.commons.collections.buffer
 class AbstractBufferDecorator<E>
          Decorates another Buffer to provide additional behaviour.
 class PredicatedBuffer<E>
          Decorates another Buffer to validate that additions match a specified predicate.
 class TransformedBuffer<I,O>
          Decorates another Buffer to transform objects that are added.
 class UnmodifiableBuffer<E>
          Decorates another Buffer to ensure it can't be altered.

Uses of AbstractCollectionDecorator in org.apache.commons.collections.collection

Subclasses of AbstractCollectionDecorator in org.apache.commons.collections.collection
 class AbstractSerializableCollectionDecorator<E>
          Serializable subclass of AbstractCollectionDecorator.
 class PredicatedCollection<E>
          Decorates another Collection to validate that additions match a specified predicate.
 class TransformedCollection<I,O>
          Decorates another Collection to transform objects that are added.
 class UnmodifiableBoundedCollection<E>
          UnmodifiableBoundedCollection decorates another BoundedCollection to ensure it can't be altered.
 class UnmodifiableCollection<E>
          Decorates another Collection to ensure it can't be altered.

Uses of AbstractCollectionDecorator in org.apache.commons.collections.list

Subclasses of AbstractCollectionDecorator in org.apache.commons.collections.list
 class AbstractListDecorator<E>
          Decorates another List to provide additional behaviour.
 class AbstractSerializableListDecorator<E>
          Serializable subclass of AbstractListDecorator.
 class FixedSizeList<E>
          Decorates another List to fix the size preventing add/remove.
 class LazyList<E>
          Decorates another List to create objects in the list on demand.
 class PredicatedList<E>
          Decorates another List to validate that all additions match a specified predicate.
 class SetUniqueList<E>
          Decorates a List to ensure that no duplicates are present much like a Set.
 class TransformedList<I,O>
          Decorates another List to transform objects that are added.
 class UnmodifiableList<E>
          Decorates another List to ensure it can't be altered.

Uses of AbstractCollectionDecorator in

Subclasses of AbstractCollectionDecorator in
 class UnmodifiableEntrySet<K,V>
          Decorates a map entry Set to ensure it can't be altered.

Uses of AbstractCollectionDecorator in org.apache.commons.collections.set

Subclasses of AbstractCollectionDecorator in org.apache.commons.collections.set
 class AbstractSerializableSetDecorator<E>
          Serializable subclass of AbstractSetDecorator.
 class AbstractSetDecorator<E>
          Decorates another Set to provide additional behaviour.
 class AbstractSortedSetDecorator<E>
          Decorates another SortedSet to provide additional behaviour.
 class ListOrderedSet<E>
          Decorates another Set to ensure that the order of addition is retained and used by the iterator.
 class PredicatedSet<E>
          Decorates another Set to validate that all additions match a specified predicate.
 class PredicatedSortedSet<E>
          Decorates another SortedSet to validate that all additions match a specified predicate.
 class TransformedSet
          Decorates another Set to transform objects that are added.
 class TransformedSortedSet
          Decorates another SortedSet to transform objects that are added.
 class UnmodifiableSet<E>
          Decorates another Set to ensure it can't be altered.
 class UnmodifiableSortedSet<E>
          Decorates another SortedSet to ensure it can't be altered.

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