Package org.apache.commons.collections.buffer

This package contains implementations of the Buffer interface.


Class Summary
AbstractBufferDecorator<E> Decorates another Buffer to provide additional behaviour.
BlockingBuffer<E> Decorates another Buffer to make BlockingBuffer.get() and BlockingBuffer.remove() block when the Buffer is empty.
BoundedFifoBuffer<E> The BoundedFifoBuffer is a very efficient implementation of Buffer that does not alter the size of the buffer at runtime.
CircularFifoBuffer<E> CircularFifoBuffer is a first in first out buffer with a fixed size that replaces its oldest element if full.
PredicatedBuffer<E> Decorates another Buffer to validate that additions match a specified predicate.
PriorityBuffer<E> Binary heap implementation of Buffer that provides for removal based on Comparator ordering.
SynchronizedBuffer<E> Decorates another Buffer to synchronize its behaviour for a multi-threaded environment.
TransformedBuffer<I,O> Decorates another Buffer to transform objects that are added.
TypedBuffer<E> Decorates another Buffer to validate that elements added are of a specific type.
UnboundedFifoBuffer<E> UnboundedFifoBuffer is a very efficient buffer implementation.
UnmodifiableBuffer<E> Decorates another Buffer to ensure it can't be altered.

Package org.apache.commons.collections.buffer Description

This package contains implementations of the Buffer interface.

The following implementations are provided in the package:

The following decorators are provided in the package:

Copyright © 2005-2005 Apache Software Foundation, Matt Hall, John Watkinson. All Rights Reserved.