Uses of Interface

Packages that use OrderedBidiMap
org.apache.commons.collections This package contains the interfaces and utilities shared across all the subpackages of this component. 
org.apache.commons.collections.bidimap This package contains implementations of the BidiMap, OrderedBidiMap and SortedBidiMap interfaces. 

Uses of OrderedBidiMap in org.apache.commons.collections

Subinterfaces of OrderedBidiMap in org.apache.commons.collections
 interface SortedBidiMap<K,V>
          Defines a map that allows bidirectional lookup between key and values and retains both keys and values in sorted order.

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections that return OrderedBidiMap
 OrderedBidiMap<V,K> OrderedBidiMap.inverseOrderedBidiMap()
          Gets a view of this map where the keys and values are reversed.

Uses of OrderedBidiMap in org.apache.commons.collections.bidimap

Classes in org.apache.commons.collections.bidimap that implement OrderedBidiMap
 class AbstractOrderedBidiMapDecorator<K,V>
          Provides a base decorator that enables additional functionality to be added to an OrderedBidiMap via decoration.
 class AbstractSortedBidiMapDecorator<K,V>
          Provides a base decorator that enables additional functionality to be added to a SortedBidiMap via decoration.
 class DualTreeBidiMap<K,V>
          Implementation of BidiMap that uses two TreeMap instances.
 class TreeBidiMap<K extends Comparable,V extends Comparable>
          Red-Black tree-based implementation of BidiMap where all objects added implement the Comparable interface.
 class UnmodifiableOrderedBidiMap<K,V>
          Decorates another OrderedBidiMap to ensure it can't be altered.
 class UnmodifiableSortedBidiMap<K,V>
          Decorates another SortedBidiMap to ensure it can't be altered.

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections.bidimap that return OrderedBidiMap
<K,V> OrderedBidiMap<K,V>
UnmodifiableOrderedBidiMap.decorate(OrderedBidiMap<K,V> map)
          Factory method to create an unmodifiable map.
protected  OrderedBidiMap<K,V> AbstractOrderedBidiMapDecorator.getOrderedBidiMap()
          Gets the map being decorated.
 OrderedBidiMap<V,K> UnmodifiableSortedBidiMap.inverseOrderedBidiMap()
 OrderedBidiMap<V,K> UnmodifiableOrderedBidiMap.inverseOrderedBidiMap()
 OrderedBidiMap<V,K> TreeBidiMap.inverseOrderedBidiMap()
          Gets the inverse map for comparison.
 OrderedBidiMap<V,K> DualTreeBidiMap.inverseOrderedBidiMap()
 OrderedBidiMap<V,K> AbstractOrderedBidiMapDecorator.inverseOrderedBidiMap()

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections.bidimap with parameters of type OrderedBidiMap
<K,V> OrderedBidiMap<K,V>
UnmodifiableOrderedBidiMap.decorate(OrderedBidiMap<K,V> map)
          Factory method to create an unmodifiable map.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.collections.bidimap with parameters of type OrderedBidiMap
AbstractOrderedBidiMapDecorator(OrderedBidiMap<K,V> map)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies).

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