Package org.apache.commons.collections

This package contains the interfaces and utilities shared across all the subpackages of this component.


Interface Summary
Bag<E> Defines a collection that counts the number of times an object appears in the collection.
BidiMap<K,V> Defines a map that allows bidirectional lookup between key and values.
BoundedCollection<E> Defines a collection that is bounded in size.
BoundedMap<K,V> Defines a map that is bounded in size.
Buffer<E> Defines a collection that allows objects to be removed in some well-defined order.
Closure<T> Defines a functor interface implemented by classes that do something.
Factory<T> Defines a functor interface implemented by classes that create objects.
IterableMap<K,V> Defines a map that can be iterated directly without needing to create an entry set.
KeyValue<K,V> Defines a simple key value pair.
MapIterator<K,V> Defines an iterator that operates over a Map.
MultiMap<K,V> Defines a map that holds a collection of values against each key.
OrderedBidiMap<K,V> Defines a map that allows bidirectional lookup between key and values and retains and provides access to an ordering.
OrderedIterator<E> Defines an iterator that operates over a ordered collections.
OrderedMap<K,V> Defines a map that maintains order and allows both forward and backward iteration through that order.
OrderedMapIterator<K,V> Defines an iterator that operates over an ordered Map.
Predicate<T> Defines a functor interface implemented by classes that perform a predicate test on an object.
ResettableIterator<E> Defines an iterator that can be reset back to an initial state.
ResettableListIterator<E> Defines a list iterator that can be reset back to an initial state.
SortedBag<E> Defines a type of Bag that maintains a sorted order among its unique representative members.
SortedBidiMap<K,V> Defines a map that allows bidirectional lookup between key and values and retains both keys and values in sorted order.
Transformer<I,O> Defines a functor interface implemented by classes that transform one object into another.
Unmodifiable Marker interface for collections, maps and iterators that are unmodifiable.

Class Summary
ArrayStack<E> An implementation of the Stack API that is based on an ArrayList instead of a Vector, so it is not synchronized to protect against multi-threaded access.
BagUtils Provides utility methods and decorators for Bag and SortedBag instances.
BeanMap An implementation of Map for JavaBeans which uses introspection to get and put properties in the bean.
BeanMap.MyMapEntry Map entry used by BeanMap.
BufferUtils Provides utility methods and decorators for Buffer instances.
ClosureUtils ClosureUtils provides reference implementations and utilities for the Closure functor interface.
CollectionUtils Provides utility methods and decorators for Collection instances.
ComparatorUtils Provides convenient static utility methods for Comparator objects.
EnumerationUtils Provides utility methods for Enumeration instances.
ExtendedProperties This class extends normal Java properties by adding the possibility to use the same key many times concatenating the value strings instead of overwriting them.
FactoryUtils FactoryUtils provides reference implementations and utilities for the Factory functor interface.
FastArrayList<E> A customized implementation of java.util.ArrayList designed to operate in a multithreaded environment where the large majority of method calls are read-only, instead of structural changes.
FastHashMap<K,V> A customized implementation of java.util.HashMap designed to operate in a multithreaded environment where the large majority of method calls are read-only, instead of structural changes.
FastTreeMap<K,V> A customized implementation of java.util.TreeMap designed to operate in a multithreaded environment where the large majority of method calls are read-only, instead of structural changes.
IteratorUtils Provides static utility methods and decorators for Iterator instances.
ListUtils Provides utility methods and decorators for List instances.
MapUtils Provides utility methods and decorators for Map and SortedMap instances.
MultiHashMap<K,V> MultiHashMap is the default implementation of the MultiMap interface.
PredicateUtils PredicateUtils provides reference implementations and utilities for the Predicate functor interface.
SetUtils Provides utility methods and decorators for Set and SortedSet instances.
TransformerUtils TransformerUtils provides reference implementations and utilities for the Transformer functor interface.

Exception Summary
BufferOverflowException The BufferOverflowException is used when the buffer's capacity has been exceeded.
BufferUnderflowException The BufferUnderflowException is used when the buffer is already empty.
FunctorException Runtime exception thrown from functors.

Package org.apache.commons.collections Description

This package contains the interfaces and utilities shared across all the subpackages of this component.

The following collection implementations are provided in the package:

Copyright © 2005-2005 Apache Software Foundation, Matt Hall, John Watkinson. All Rights Reserved.